The Leinster League Cup Finals lineup is almost decided

See HERE for full draw details.


Note, we will be moving the draws to Sportyhq page below during the week and should have this in place ahead of each match so that Sportyhq Scoring App can be used during games and any results posted will contribute to your Sportyhq ranking


All captains should be familiar with league & Cup rules for the competitions.


In particular, please note the following


Player Eligibility

Players would need to have played 4 times during the regular league to be eligible for the Cup. We understand that this may be cause issues for some teams who may not have used a large panel during the league - if captains are short players for a cup fixture, they can apply in advance to [email protected] for an exception if required. Please get any exemption requests in at least a few days before your match as we may not able to confirm eligibility in time otherwise.


Player Affiliation

Only players who are fully affiliated with Irish Squash as competitive players are eligible to take part in the Cup competition. Clubs have been notified of unaffiliated players and any unaffiliated players taking part in a cup fixture will result in deduction of points. For this reason, it is recommended that all rubbers are played in the cup, even if a result is known before all 5 rubbers are played.



Captains - please send your lineup at least 1 day in advance of each cup fixture and we can confirm player eligibility and also setup your fixture on Sportyhq so that App scoring is available etc.



Best of luck to all teams playing this week and any queries on the cup competition, let me know



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